понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


Reporting Gurdwara Finances The Singh Sahibans also directed all Gurdwara management committees to post the financial account information of each Gurdwara on a public board on-site. Singh As per newspapers, like Amar Ujala 13th July , Akal Takhat did not switch off this case, but put it on hold. Posted April 22, The directives also instructed politicians to not print verses of Gurbani on campaign posters and stickers. Akaal Channel's interview with Panthic. Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. sachkhojacademy org

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They stated that action would be taken against the Gurdwara managements that do not follow this practice of public transparency. About Nihang Dharam Singh, This is the site where that video is uploaded http: Reporting Gurdwara Finances The Singh Sahibans also directed all Sachkhojacadwmy management committees to post the financial account information of each Gurdwara on a public board on-site.

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If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. The directives, issued under the seal of the apex Sikh Takht directed all Sikhs worldwide to not associate in any manner with Nihang Dharam Singh and not allow him to utilize any Panthic stage or platform. So Nihang is under trial. Comments may be edited for readability. The Jathedar instructed Sikhs to not financially support these groups and not allow them access to any old saroops - unless they have written authority from Sri Akal Takht Sahib authorizing such access.

Also you have different views of what Naam is i.

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Posted September 2, Go To Topic Listing. There is something about his katha which is simple, non-conformist and yet it is interesting. Listening to some of your audio, you say something of jeev becoming separate or cracked from Ek, sachkhojacqdemy half or Har being half, what do you mean by this?

Has anyone figured out what this academy believes its hard to put everything together. So the case should to be discuss again, After response from judicial system.

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Share this post Link to post Share on other sachkhojcaademy. Akaal Channel's interview with Panthic. Citing examples of complaints they have received from various cities and towns where people of only certain caste background were being allowed in the congregation, the Singh Sahibans stated this practice was not in accordance to Gurmat, and strongly condemned those who were enforcing this bigotry.

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Only 75 emoji are allowed. Which means he did not avoid any Summons dachkhojacademy Akal Takhat. Sri Amritsar Sahib KP - In a proclamation issued from the secretariat of Sri Akal Takht Sahib, the five Singh Sahibans declared a controversial Nihang Sikh preacher a "tankhaiya" a religious apostateand issued several directives related to the proper management of Gurdwara Sahibs. Caste Discrimination at Gurdwaras Furthermore, the Singh Sahibans directed Sikhs to desist from any form of caste discrimination and caste labeling of Gurdwara Sahibs.

Hi Folks, This is a very interesting take on gurmat. Sign In Sign Up.

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Reply to this topic Start new topic. They stated that rog Gurdwaras Sahibs were the property of the entire Sikh sangat and no one could be barred from the congregation regardless of caste, creed, background or social class.

Submissions will be rejected if the content is: Posted April 20, Orf January 10, By clicking on the 'Submit' button, you agree to the following conditions: Singh As per newspapers, like Amar Ujala 13th JulyAkal Takhat did not switch off this case, but put it on hold.

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