воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


So the other obvious thing this customer failed to notice was that corporations have many different departments, so the janitor isn't going to know how to be a doctor in a hospital. Everyone, thank you so much. When I launch a PS2 game, the Dualshock controller never manages to resync after the prompt to press the PS button, all 4 leds keep blinking and then shut off, sync doesn't work. I would like to make sure of the bug before reporting to Rogero. I would recommend doing some research on your newly gifted item. Can you help me with updating to the latest 3DS firmware? ps3 rogero 4.50

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Télécharger le CFW rogero 4.50 cex version 1.01

Originally Posted by Szalay. Then you can launch PS2 games. Yes, my password is: You must sign up for Sony Entertainment Network. You must log in or sign up to reply here. Sep 17, 10KM East of Nowhere.

I'm gonna give it a shot. PatrickBatmanOct 19, There was no such issue in Rogero 4.

Rogero's CEX v released! | MaxConsole

I bet psninja is also rlgero your console to? But being he did this in a short time with basically no testing and there's been no brick reports yet and when he first released 4. Log in or Sign up.

Updating latest game in Emunand? Same Game worked on Rogero 4. Yea I forget how to do Toggle QA.

But as any CFW release you must install it with caution and by following proper instructions, No one will be held responsible for any damage caused. Updating Rogero latest Hide similar threads. Especially having to install them all the time.

ps3 rogero 4.50

Last edited by kumikochanMay 10, I have updated Multiman from the menu to 4. MasterNewManOct 20, You don't need a PS2 launcher. Serious do we need all these updates of CFW? This look like the right thing to do?

ps3 rogero 4.50

The Screenshot feature really impressed me. WHich one do I use? Draft saved Draft deleted. I don't need to downgrade to 3. I will take into consideration site rules!

Télécharger le CFW rogero cex version | Blog de Hack Console

Search titles only Posted by Member: I stopped for the moment and spent a whole day reading. PatrickBatmanOct 20, TravayusDrax Jun 4, You must log in or sign up to reply here.

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